Five Stars
A great Atlus for all the Indian Railway Fans…👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 by Sarthak Chatterjee on Amazon India
A great Atlus for all the Indian Railway Fans…👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 by Sarthak Chatterjee on Amazon India
The word Brilliant does not do justice to the book. The map is detailed enough to tell you almost all if not all stations in the railway network. by Vasudevan Rangachari on Amazon India
Great great resource Read More »
Most detailed, thoughtfully designed, beautiful mapping of the worlds largest railway system, with all its complexity! by Santayan Sengupta on Amazon India
beautiful mapping of the worlds largest railway system Read More »
This is an invaluable atlas for rail fans everywhere, and especially for companies dealing with Indian Railways, rail travellers and Indian Railway staff. The amount of detail provided is mind boggling. Each and every station on the Indian Railway network is listed. The track gauges on every block section are shown. Even Intermediate Block locations
An invaluable, comprehensive reference work, and a labour of love! Read More »
This is the 3rd edition published in 2015. The earlier editions were published in 2005 and 2010 and are not available now. This edition is larger in size and much better designed and more informative than the earlier editions. Apart from railway enthusiasts, it is useful for travellers who are interested in the routes which
Highly recommended Read More »
Good to find old abandoned lines and places of interest for a Rail Fan ! Abhinav Kumar on Amazon India
Great atlas for railfans!!!! amazed at the details provided. Ninad Acharya on Amazon India
I bought this for a friend who is a ferroequinologist (humorous usage). He was very happy with it and explained to me that it was extremely detailed and he had been planning to buy it himself. He said that the author is someone who is consulted by the railways himself so the book is definitely
Must buy for a railway fan Read More »
An unique, detailsome, precise work of map encyclopaedia an enthusiast of Railways and it’s network can wish for. Feeling like an achiever after grabbing a copy of this. This atlas is so fascinating only for its exclusivity. The detailing is processed so systematically that the quest for knowledge generates further more thirst to go through